The Carter Crew
Hello! We're so glad you're here! We are the Carter's, Marshall, Whitney, Pleas, Nace, Della, Ophelia & Irene. We gave up all our stuff in Kentucky so we could travel around exploring, learning and growing together. We had a house with a great yard, vehicles, and all the the typical stuff grown ups work so hard for. We just felt like we weren't living the life we truly wanted. We always thought we would do lots of travel, but it always got put on the back burner. So, after a lot of soul searching, we chose to quit life as we knew it. We are on a mission to live out our passion while having fun + learning from these five amazing human beings. Our hope is that we inspire you to take the leap and choose to live your best life, no matter what that looks like for you. Our plan is to travel to all 50 states, experiencing culture, adventure, the natural earth and it's resources, and finding ways to give back. After we see all 50 states, we will decide if we want to keep going and travel abroad, or settle down. We would love to take you with us!
Hey, I'm Marshall the husband and father in this circus. Whitney and our kids are my world. I am super laid back and chill. I was taught from a young age to work hard, be seen, and move up. So thats what I did. I honestly did not have big goals or dreams. Whitney and I got married, I started working, and we had kids. I was content with my career and our life. Life was good, until it wasn't. Whitney and I had always talked of doing lots of travel, but that idea seemed to be slipping away as the years flew by. Whitney was so burnt out and so ready for a change. We had to make a choice. Keep living life this way, or jump! With Whitney orchestrating the plan, We chose to make drastic changes, totally out of my comfort zone! Our house sold in 4 days! We had 30 days to get rid of everything we had worked our entire lives for. Best decision we have ever made! I play it safe and she is the risk taker. We make a pretty awesome team.
Hi, I am the wife and mom in this incredible crew. I have always had a desire to travel and experience new places, people, the planet, and all the things. I grew up on an organic farm in Kentucky, so naturally farm to table is my jam. My childhood was spent working hard and exploring our beautiful Kentucky farmland. I graduated college and Marshall and I got married. As much as I wanted to travel and explore the world and work for the Travel Channel, I wanted to have babies, start a family, and be with them. That precious time of pregnancy, home births, and learning with my kids was the most wonderful gift in the world, but when I reached my breaking point and had an undeniable breakdown, I realized I had to start living my truth. It wasn't easy (ask Marshall)! I had to make big changes or forever wonder what life the way I wanted it, looked like. I truly believe that if the dream is in you, it’s for you. Marshall has always been my biggest fan and greatest supporter. My dream was to travel the world with our family. It took some time and convincing for Marshall to get on board, but we put our fear aside and went for it. My dream has become our dream. We gave up all of our stuff to create a life we love. I hope to inspire other women to live out their dreams while also being fantastic moms. Why not be both! Mompreneurs rock!
I love fishing, rappelling, mountain biking, camping, and swimming. I love people and helping others any way I can. I like meeting new people from all over. My favorite food is a hamburger. I am always down for a new adventure.
I love fishing, swimming, boogie boarding, playing with my brother and sisters, helping others, and going on wild adventures. I love my family and who I am. My favorite food is ice cream. So far, the ocean is my favorite playground.
I love being with my family. I love seeing new places, bike rides, shopping, fashion design, cooking, and picnics. My favorite adventures are around the ocean. My favorite color is white. My most favorite princess is Ariel. My favorite food is broccoli.
I love dressing up fancy, parties, princesses, and picnics. My favorite color is Pink. I love spending time outside on fun adventures and cooking. My favorite food is cake.
I am the life of this party! I keep everyone laughing and on their toes. I am so full of love, and I am incredibly feisty. I love traveling and adapt easily. We started traveling when I was eight months old.